What I’m doing now – 11/01/17

I’m not particularly into telling everyone what I’m up to on social channels and my Instagram is private and mainly focuses on pictures of my kids, so this a place to capture what would probably tell a friend if they asked what I was up to.

Here are the things I’m currently focused on (dated 11/01/17):

As Product Owner, I am developing UCL Business’ platform for online licensing, E-lucid. It’s a bit like an eCommerce platform but tailored to technology transfer. I’m currently spending 4 days a week on this.

In my ‘spare’ day, I have picked up some of the consulting work my wife has been unable to take on whilst on maternity. It mainly focuses on digital marketing, projects and strategy.

In collaboration with James Moss, I am slowly building up ideas, discourse and plans in order to start producing art in a more serious way. So far it’s interdisciplinary and focusing more and more on contemporary concerns, especially around the areas of technology, hidden forces, behavioural economics and the current political climate.

I am trying to design a community website for comics – especially the non-spandex types.

An idea I had a while ago has been made real by Steve Lloyd, my former colleague at icoEx. They’re called Kernel Cards and they are a super-handly tool for planning content marketing strategies.

We’re rearing two boys. One is an energetic, funny (although sometimes moody) 4-year old who started school this year. The other is 9 months old and is already carving out his own personality and place in the world.

In terms of things concerning me, I have been erratically trying to make sense of the new political times we are in. Strangely perhaps, it has led me to transhumanism and the ethics of emerging technologies. For anyone interested in this, the IEET seems like a good place to start,

I’m reading Dogma by Lars Iyer. I’m listening a lot to This American Life, Radiolab, Sam Harris and WTF by Mark Marron. Music-wise, I’m all over the place at the moment, but here’s a best of from 2016 based on The Wire’s top albums and compiled by Chris Eule. I’m between box sets at the moment.